After three nights the Queen and King were pulled from their cell by the Booger guard. “Where are we going?” The Queen demanded.

“Pigs!” cried the King.

But the Booger just chuckled his same boring boogery chuckle, and led them up a long spiral of stairs. “Forget what I said earlier about sparing your life Booger!” the Queen hissed (a sound you never want to hear - trust me faithful reader).

At the end of the stairs they came to a giant room filled with stadium seating for all the stupid Boogers, and standing at the center of the room was (finally) the Booger Champion. OR WAS IT?
HA! Yea right. That stink-o wouldn’t show his face to save the orphaned children of Disasterville. He probably doesn’t even like the poor orphanded children of Disasterville! Yea. So, right, instead of the Booger Champion there was an evil Booger Champion ROBOT that they called ‘Smiley’. The real Booger Champion was probably off in Aruba, surfing or doing his laundry or whatever.

The ROBOT was equiped with all sorts of weapons and pointy bits and an anvil for dropping on people, but perhaps most fearful was his voice. It sounded like chalk being scratched across fingernails, and all he ever said were insults.

“You want to know how I drove your King crazy, Queen Miraculous?” it called.
“One simple word. Gnu-Gnu Brain.” And the gallery of Boogers gasped.

“What does that even mean?” The Queen shouted. “And besides, that’s like two, or maybe three words, you stinkin’ Robot!”

“Gnu-gnu Brain, gnu-gnu brain!” The Robot jumped up and down, shaking the the room as is shouted its insults. The Queen looked at the King, fearing that perhaps Smiley was right, but the King seemed fine, although his eyes were still wobbly with madness.

“Leopard-coated signposts,” he whispered to her, and even though that makes no sense at all, the Queen somehow understood. She put her fingers in her mouth, and blew, and her majestic whistle resounded through the hall. Soon her faithful steed would come to their rescue.

“Nice whistle, shorty,” Smiley called. “You’re about as majestic as a ball of baked ham!”
The Queen frowned, and spit on the floor to show her distaste for Smiley the Robot. “You’re face is dumb, and your attitude stinks!” The robot shouted. At this the Queen looked away. “You’re useless! You’re a terrible Queen! No one likes you!” And without warning the Queen’s legs began to shake, and she felt her hand grow hot.

“What manner of sorcery is this?” she shouted over the jeers of the gallery of Boogers.

“I’ve found better Queens inside of cereal boxes!”

The Queens hand turned blue, and then, without warning it sort-of popped, or, I mean, it liked exploded, but no... whatever. It transformed into a rabbit’s paw! It was shocking! The Queen gasped. “What have you done to me?” she shouted, and Smiley smiled.

“A few more of my deadly insults and you’ll be a cute rabbit, and then I’ll boil you in a stew!” The Boogers cheered.

“Harvest fish from blue city hawk feet!” the King shouted, but really no one knew what that was talking about anymore.

No one, that is, except THE QUEEN! And with a burst of awesome stuff, the doors flew open, and Revolution - their faithful steed - galloped into the room!

It’s a cliff-hanger people!!!