
Revolution, with a mighty sweep of her hoof knocked Smiley the Robot’s head off, and sparks flew simply everywhere. The Booger gallery was shocked, and slow to react because they’re just generally so stupid, and the Queen and King jumped onto their faithful steed’s back.

“We’re out of here, Boogers!” the Queen shouted, and the King barked like a dog. Revolution raced for the door, and the Queen held onto her King’s hand tightly. She still liked him, even though he was crazy.

The trio of heroes raced through the Castle of Conundrum, trampling all sorts of Boogers as they went (including that rude guard), and soon came to a huge drawbridge, which was of course closing - threatening to trap the team forever.

“I will not be trapped in here like a sardine!” the Queen shouted, and Revolution galloped even faster. With such speed and determination at their disposal, this group of cool folks was sure to win, but then, the King shouted a word that Queen Miraculous knew meant trouble - big time.


The drawbridge was coated with, yes, you guessed it, boogers. And if you think I’m writing that just to be gross, well, boy are you wrong. Revolution got them to the edge of the bridge, but couldn’t climb the slimy wood, even with her powerful hooves.

“It’s all right Revolution,” the Queen whispered. “We’ll fight, and we’ll win, and the Boogers will pay for their insults.” She cradled her hand close to her. It was still transformed into a rabbit’s paw. Revolution, the horse, shook her head in a horse-sort of way that was kind of natural to a horse, but also indicative of deep understanding. Then, with a sharp neigh, she bucked, and tossed both the Queen and King through the tiny gap that was left above the closing drawbridge.

The couple flew through the air, and landed safely on the other side of the castle walls, but Revolution was trapped! “NOOOO!!” cried the Queen. “My faithful steed!”
The King was all animals in the brain, so couldn’t do much to comfort her, but he did mention cute puppies under his breath, which she appreciated.

“Thankyou King,” the Queen sobbed. “Everything will be all right. We’ll be back for you Revolution!” she cried, and the royal couple jumped onto a nearby donkey cart headed for the coast, and hid under some hay. The cart rolled away to the sounds of frustrated Boogers in the background.